Our in-person studio is in Lehi, UT

We interview songwriters, lyricists, and composers of the hymns and children's songs that have been selected for the new hymnal "Hymns -- For Home and Church" put out by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

In future seasons, we hope to interview other songwriters of hymns that were not selected, as well as other influential Latter-day Saint songwriters and musicians putting out uplifting works.

Fill out an application to be considered. Link below.

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We hope to launch a line of merch soon!

In the meantime, you can join our monthly membership on Patreon for just $5 a month to help us bring this valuable and uplifting content to our community and the world! Link below.

Patreon Membership

17Thousand Songs is not affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The views, opinions and thoughts of our host and guests are our own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Church.

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